Thursday, February 10, 2011

Simple Thoughts for a Simple Game

To reiterate some of the facts about the game:

  • not everyone can see the doctor on any day.

  • the doctor goes home and sometimes comes to work much later in the day.

  • the normal working hours at the surgery remains the same.

We can:

  • create a database of possible sicknesses by patients.

  • create a diagnosis for each sickness that should also be stored in the database.

  • estimate the time taken to make each diagnosis/nurse each patient (assuming no further complications).

These are the general steps for a visit to the doctor:

  1. Wait in queue for your registration turn

  2. Register (get file, make payment)

  3. Wait in queue to see the doctor

  4. Doctor's diagnosis

  5. Queue for medication

We need to take into account the amount of time all these would take, per patient, and subtract it from the normal working hours of the surgery. This way we can begin to determine the best way in which a large number of patients can be assisted daily.

The picture below gives a general and simplified idea of the game. There could ofcourse be a lot of loop holes in this but this serves as a great foundation on which to built/expand the game.

From an artificial intelligence point of view:

There are 4 characters: doctor, receptionist, assistant (for meds) and patient(s)

NPC = patient(s)

PC = doctor, receptionist, assistant


NPC (Non-Player Character) is a computer-controlled player that has to be built. it has to be given movement, behaviour, intelligence and stupidity.

PC (Player Character) is a human controlled character. This is you playing the game. And this is where the multiplayer idea ships in where three players can assume the roles of the doctor, receptionist and assistant at the same time.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lead Africa Credo : A must for every gamer

Welcome gaming bloggers. It is a great pleasure to create this. Please read this carefully as this is the only time we are going to have an opportunity to make some important commitment towards the gaming objective.

It is always to good to start with some ground rules before we undertake something as huge as we are about to embark on.

Lead Africa has a set of values which we would like to bring to your attention. If you do accept the "code" we call it the 'Lead Africa Org Credo" please respond to the block by posting accepted, that is if you do accept the credo. This action will indicate to all of us on this site the willingness to see the exciting venture to fruition.

credo |ˈkrēdō; ˈkrādō|
noun ( pl. -dos)
a statement of the beliefs or aims that guide someone's actions : he announced his credo in his first editorial.
• ( Credo) a creed of the Christian Church in Latin.
• ( Credo) a musical setting of the Nicene Creed, typically as part of a mass.
ORIGIN Middle English : Latin, ‘I believe.’ Compare with creed

The code is as follows:
¤We are all human beings, we are equal. Let us respect and treat each equally and in the same way
¤Work hard to prove your worth to yourself
¤Have courage to do the very best with what you have
¤Pick up your brother/sister, do not harm them
¤Keep unity and dignity at all costs
¤Take care of the environment. It is all we have
¤ Plagiarism is theft. we will guard against unethical behaviour and ensure our work is original and genuinely our own development. All references shall be followed by proper acknowledgment.

I would like to implore us to ensure that there is huge momentum in this exercise and we all stand to be benefit appropriately

Yours crazily excited


Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog up and running

Please refer to the email that I sent in order to be able to add posts to the blog.
Thank you...